Topic: Restoration and Reinvention

Courage, Compassion, Connection

Our culture constantly tells us how we should look, what we should think, and how we should spend our time. It requires courage to show others who we really are. True connection to others occurs when we are courageous enough to be authentic and vulnerable, receiving and showing compassion.

Meanings of Membership

We welcome our newest members as we celebrate the gift of belonging. Together we create beloved community, founded upon the connections we share, the covenants to which we commit, all the ways we lead and participate to co-create more than any one of can achieve alone.

Bringing Us Home

Love is the spirit of this church. As we enter the second phase of restoring the Sanctuary of our spirit, we renew our commitment to the bright future of this church, the home in which we nurture the power of love to transform ourselves, for the transformation of the world.

The Joys of Cooking

Yup, you read that right. This service will reveal why the simple act of cooking is worthy of becoming one of your everyday spiritual practices. Recognizing and celebrating the power in memory, aroma, flavor and all the ways a thoughtfully crafted meal can transport you.

Wonder of Nature

Nature provides us with many ways to experience discovery, awe and wonder. Given the on-going challenges and stresses we humans are frequently faced with, making time to immerse oneself with nature, can also be deeply therapeutic. Spending time exploring the natural world brings us closer to valuing our relationship with the Earth.

Love is Our Spirit

Love is the spirit of this church. And finding that love is a personal journey. Many come to this church as orphans from other religions and faith traditions. Unitarian Universalism and UUCCH provides the space for each of us to find that love. On Sunday, hear one member’s journey to find meaning and love and how this church holds a special place in his life.

What to Tell the Children

These times are filled with the revealing and naming of harm, disrupting old oppressive systems of oppression, and hope that a reinvention of our society may emerge. What is our dream for a future of hope and justice for all people? What do we tell the children, about the past, the present and how we are working to create the future?

What’s Your Story?

We are surrounded by stories–the stories we’re told, the stories we tell to others, and the stories we tell ourselves. In this week’s service, we’ll consider some of the meanings and consequences of stories for individuals, societies, and cultures.