UUCCH Boards, Committees, Teams and Groups

MeetingsName /Contact Name/Email/Description
No regular mtgsArboretum Work Group (AWG) arboretum@uucch.org    AWG operates as a subgroup of Property and Grounds. Members of the Group care for the named gardens on the property and tend to the Labyrinth and surrounding grounds.
3rd Tues, 10:30 am and for gallery workArts and Aesthetics Team (A&A) Nancy Hillman (Team Leader), arts@uucch.org    This group enhances congregational space through aesthetic and practical décor and design, and creates opportunities to showcase member creativity through gallery displays and a craft fair.
3rd Tues, 7:15 pmBoard of Trustees (Elected) Jennie Stone (President), VPs  Karen Nowicki and Kate Sloan.   board@uucch.org   The Board President may be reached at president@uucch.org    Tasked with overall fiduciary responsibility and the governance of UUCCH, as well as developing the vision for the future. Meetings are open to all members, on Zoom. 
No Regular MtgsBuilding Use Management Marion Reigle,  rentals@uucch.org or marionreigle@gmail.comArranges for building use by members and outside renters, following church policy on building use
3rd Wed, 7-9 pmCaring Team Lisa Winkler and Paula Horton  caring@uucch.org   Caring provides pastoral care and practical help for the church community. We recognize members and friends who are to be congratulated or are in need of comfort. 
1st Mon, 7:00 pmCommunity Outreach Work (COW), Sue Van Alstyne, Val Sadwin cow@uucch.org   COW provides hands-on opportunities to live UUism in the surrounding community. These include collections, volunteering, and more. 
4th Wed, 7:00 pmCongregational Relationships Team (CRT) Libby Pontillo (Chair), Pam Anderson, Cheryl Dunican-Hein, Marilyn Masur, Lynn Richter, congregationalrelationshipsteam@uucch.org   The CRT focuses on the work of educating and supporting the congregation in building stronger, more resilient relationships.    
2nd Sat, 4 pm on ZoomEarth Centered Practices  Stevie Franklin, coordinator littlepenguin220@gmail.com  This group creates a safe, structured, inclusive space to practice and raise the visibility of Earth Centered rituals and to share and learn in classes and roundtables.  
Variable meeting date/timeEndowment Trustees (Board Appointed) Keith Spirgel (Chair)  endowment@uucch.org   Endowment Trustees invest and manage the endowment fund and distributes money from the fund as directed by the Board and by congregational vote.
No regular mtgEnvironmental Justice Team Sharon Hardy & Walt Nadolny co-chair, environment@uucch.org EJT shares opportunities for taking action on environmental and environmental justice issues, both locally and state-wide, partnering with the UU Faith Action NJ EJT for a larger impact on state issues.
3rd Sat, 10:00 amEveryday Spiritual Practice (ESP) Robert Schindler, rschindl@camden.rutgers.edu   From the book of the same name, the ESP group shares readings and practices to study from many diverse traditions.
Facilitators 2nd  Thurs 7:30 pm Fellowship Groups Larry Solow, Libby Pontillo, and John Nielsen; fellowship@uucch.org  Fellowship Groups focus on small group ministry and deep connections of group members, promoting the value of deep listening. Topics align with the monthly ministry theme, groups meet at varied times and dates
Meets as neededFinance Advisory Committee (Board Appointed) Linda Coolsen, David Gift, John Nielsen The Finance Advisory Committee assists the Board in its oversight of the congregation’s finances
Monthly, early in each month Finance Team  financeteam@uucch.org    The finance team’s focus is maintaining financial systems and accuracy of financial reporting, ensuring that assets are protected, and ensuring that spending is properly approved and maintaining confidentiality of donor records.
Meets as neededFlower Ministry Heidi Bernard, flowers@uucch.org  The role of the flower team is to provide displays to enhance the worship service space and often provide support for the week’s message.
2x/month on Sat, 9-11 amGovernance Advisory Committee (Board Appointed) Barb Barnett-Stewart. Christine Denario, Bill Hallowell   governanceadvisory@uucch.org   The Governance Advisory Committee assists the Board in creating effective and resilient structures and systems for church governance. 
1st  Thursday at 7 pm Gun Violence Prevention Team (GVPT) Helen Ewan  ewanhelen5@gmail.com  GVPT focuses on education about the causes and prevention of gun violence, advocating for sensible gun laws, and collaborating with other gun violence prevention organizations.
Meets as neededHuman Resources Advisory Committee (Board Appointed) Nicole Gillespie, Bill Warner, Gina Hertzig   The HR Advisory Committee assists the Board in creating effective and resilient structures and systems for Care for Paid Staff and maintains the Employee Handbook. 
1st Tues, 7:00Humanist UUs Helen Ewan, humanist@uucch.org    Humanist UUs support a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, providing a space for atheist, agnostic, humanist, or non-theist UUs and friends to explore their beliefs together.
No Regular MtgsImmigration/Refugee Support Team Ruth Biemer (rrbiemer@aol.com) and Cheryl Dunican-Hein (cdunhein@gmail.com).  This team provides services such as transportation and English as a Second Language practice; collects funds and items to assist in settlement; and engages in advocacy activities.
Meets as neededInfrastructure Advisory Committee (Board Appointed) Dan Nichols, Ed Fox, Pam Anderson.  The Infrastructure Advisory Committee enables the Board of Trustees to assure the integrity of UUCCH physical infrastructure to support the mission and ministries of the congregation. 
Meets as neededLabyrinth Team Jenn Snively Jenn1004@gmail.com   The Labyrinth Team is dedicated, creative, and passionate about sharing the secrets of the labyrinth as a spiritual and meditative tool, and creating a safe space in which to practice.
4th Thurs bi-monthlyLeadership Council Sharon Hardy and co-leader Leadershipcouncil@uucch.org  Supports information sharing and collaboration among all church boards, committees and teams.
4th Thurs, 7:00Leadership Development and Nominating Committee (LDNC) (Elected) Rosemary White and co-chair, ldnc@uucch.org    The LDNC supports and guides member participation in church activities and leadership. They also identify and nominate leaders for the elected positions in the church.
2nd Monday, 6:30Lifespan Faith Engagement Team (LFE Team), Melanie Jones, DLFE, dlfe@uucch.org  The LFE Team creates safe and enriching space for the exploration of spiritual, ethical, and religious growth, through classes and workshops as well as whole church fellowship and celebrations.
No Regular MtgsMusic Ministry Team (COMM), Bill Charlier, comm@uucch.org   Supports the Director of Music Ministry, UUCCH music groups, and maintaining the music library.
Wed 10-11:30 amPhilosophy Discussion Group Lud Pisapia, philosophy@uucch.org   The Philosophy Group uses non-fiction materials (books, online articles, video, podcasts), to further mutual knowledge and understanding of philosophical ideas and concepts, ancient and modern.
2nd & 4th Sundays 12:30 pmPride Support Alliance Terri Maloney (she/they), Morgan Hurford (ask pronouns) pride@uucch.org The Pride Support Alliance provides a gathering space and plans activities in support of LGBTQAI+ individuals, families and allies.
1st Tues, 7:00Property and Grounds Team Dan Nichols, property@uucch.org  The Property and Grounds Team focuses on the management of the physical property held and maintained by UUCCH.
1st Thurs, 7-9Racial Justice Team (CREE) Susan Druckenbrod, Rohn Hein, cree@uucch.org   The Racial Justice Team leads activities to support the work of dismantling racism and promote equity in ourselves and institutions.
No regular mtgsSafety/Security Team Larry Solow, Cheryl Hein safety@uucch.org  The Safety/security Team organizes the various aspects of safety and security in UUCCH programs and facilities.
1st Thurs, 7:30Sanctuary Terry Berge sanctuary@uucch.org    Sanctuary provides a sacred space for reflection and dialogue, to explore and share beliefs in God, “spirit,” or the divine as Unitarian Universalists 
No meetingsSocial Hour Team Ken Slight kenslight08057@gmail.com   The Social Hour team provides a welcoming environment for coffee and conversation following our Sunday Services.
Meets as neededSocial Justice Council Rohn Hein rohnahein@gmail.com    The Social Justice Council supports collaboration of social justice teams: COW, Environmental Justice, Gun Violence Prevention, Immigration/Refugee Support, Racial Justice, UU the Vote.
No Regular MtgsTechCrUU, Larry Solow, techcruu@uucch.org    The TechCrUU manages and runs all the technical equipment (audio/video) on Sunday mornings, and other events where tech is needed. 
Meets as neededTransylvania Connection Team  Lisa Winkler lisawinkler2@gmail.com   The TCT  connects with our partner church in Szekelyderzs, Romania and educates our congregation about our Unitarian Transylvanian roots.
No regular meetings.UU The Vote Rohn Hein/Val Sadwin/Susan Druckenbrōd  sjsc@uucch.org  Supports a pro-democracy majority through outreach, building infrastructure and relationships for the electoral year and beyond.
4th Wed, 5:30Welcoming and Membership Team (W&M) Lynda Dillon, Peggy Morgan, Ken Slight welcoming@uucch.org Welcoming and Membership creates a sense of welcome to visitors, celebrates new members, and honors long-term membership. Work on Sundays includes Welcome Table, Ushers, and Greeters. 
1st Sun, 12-1:45 pmWomyn & Religion (W&R)  Lucie Lenore womyn@uucch.org    W&R provides a safe place for women to explore feminist issues and feminist theology together. Our celebrations relate to earth-centered religions, observed prior monotheism and the patriarchy.
Meets as neededWorship Team worship@uucch.org   The Worship Team works with the Minister to support the creation of Sunday services. The team includes Worship Associates who are part of worship each Sunday.