Our Congregational Covenant
This covenant was created by the UUCCH congregation through a collaborative process led by the Congregational Relationships Team from 2021-2023. The process included several rounds of Listening Circles and “World Café”-style writing workshops, to which all members and friends were invited. The resulting draft was shared with the congregation in March 2023 and adopted by the congregation at the June 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting.

UUCCH Congregational Covenant
This covenant is our promise to each other to reflect the values that we hold most dear in the way we communicate with and treat each other as we engage with the mission of the church and the principles of our faith.
We, the members of UUCCH, agree and affirm our intention to:
Welcome each other by widening our circle with open hearts and minds, to create a safe, diverse and inclusive community
- Accept and celebrate diversity in all its dimensions
- Look for the best in ourselves and each other and express appreciation of our diverse gifts
- Be open to new ideas and growth, and mindful of how we relate to people of different points of view
- Encourage a spirit of fun, playfulness, and laughter in our gatherings
Communicate with and about each other with care and respect
- Listen with intention, awareness, open-mindedness, humility, and curiosity
- Be mindful about setting, communicating, maintaining, and honoring clear boundaries
- Treat each other with compassion, kindness and grace, affirming the dignity and worthiness of each person
- Honor confidences and respect each other’s privacy
Seek a peaceful and constructive process when conflicts arise
- Accept responsibility for our words and actions and be open to change
- Respond directly when hurt by the words or actions of others
- Engage in restorative conversations where apologies are offered and forgiveness is extended
- Accept our vulnerabilities; forgive ourselves and others
- Keep lines of communication open when we disagree
Work together for the common good
- Stay informed; actively participate in congregational decision-making
- Seek consensus, with a willingness to compromise
- Accept decisions reflecting the will of the majority
- Appreciate and acknowledge each person’s effort and contribution.
We agree to hold ourselves and each other accountable for upholding these values, to acknowledge any breaches of this covenant, and to invite each other back into covenant with kindness.
Adopted by the UUCCH congregation on June 11, 2023