Speaker: Rev. Margret O'Neall


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In a ceremony that affirms our circles of belonging, we welcome children into this congregation with a ceremony of dedication, committing to support the children and their families as they grow. The love of this community is a gift that we give our children as they navigate their way through a complex world.

Reaching Out, Reaching In

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This is a threshold time for the UU church in Cherry Hill, and the message is clear: this is a time of reaching out to community partners and to those who long for what Unitarian Universalism has to offer; a time for reaching in to support and strengthen all the connections that sustain us in this faith community.

Virtual Realities

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Games provide an opportunity to practice skills, imagine alternate realities, learn from each other, and build community for people of all ages. What do new generations of gamers have to teach us about connections in today’s world?


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The Christian celebration of Easter invites us to arise from the past into a world of new beginnings. Even as our physical bodies recreate themselves in a cycle of cellular renewal and repair, our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves require a cycle of renewal to sustain our vitality and joy.

Spring into Leadership

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Leadership is a team sport, where people with different strengths work together to get things done. Organizational theorist Ichak Adizes teaches that the strongest teams include the Producer seeking results; the Administrator keeping things organized; the inspirational Entrepreneur and the Integrator focusing on relationships. Which type of leader are you?


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On the Spring Equinox, the world balances in the still point between the seasons, as the sunlight and darkness cease their constant dance and pause for breath. How might we create those still point moments, balancing in time, filling ourselves in the present with the breath of life?

Inspire, Invest, Include

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Women’s progress depends on the inspiration provided by those who have gone before us, our investment in women’s power and potential, and the inclusion of all women in a globally interconnected world. Members of Womyn&Religion share stories of inspiration, investment, and inclusion in their lives.