Bill Warner, UUCCH Board Member
Driving to church today, enjoying the signs of spring, I kept thinking about the environmental theme of today’s service. My worries about the health of our planet came rushing in. Forever chemicals. Climate change. Species loss and the prospects of mass extinction. Toxins at highest levels in poor and underserved communities. Our collective struggles to address these issues. I worry about the world my nieces will inherit. I’m sure you have many of the same worries. I worry. It’s overwhelming.
But I don’t feel hopeless. I don’t feel hopeless because I see the power and brilliance of groups. Of people working together. Together in big ways. In modest ways. But working together – in groups, teams, coalitions – working together with love at the center. Making a difference.
And so I’m looking forward to the Environmental Justice Team’s message, to hear about what they’ve done and plan to do to support a sustainable planet, specifically their Green Amendment project. Which gets me thinking about UUCCH’s sustainability.
Think back to our Open Question: How can we nourish the hunger of all generations for community and spiritual connection in this ever-changing world?
Think back to Rev. Margret’s sermon last week about reaching out (and within) to support and strengthen the connections that sustain us.
Think about the governance model Jennie talked about a few weeks ago. UUCCH supports teams and initiatives that support the UUCCH Mission: To create a spiritual community by:
- Learning to know others and ourselves.
- Valuing and embracing the richness of our diversity.
- Serving others and confronting injustice to do more than each can do alone.
…To do more than each can do alone.
UUCCH already had several social justice teams. Nonetheless, Sharon and Walt saw the need to for group action tackling environmental action and environmental justice. With a clear mission and goals, after meeting with Rev Margret, they were off & running. It’s just that. People working together, centering love – just like our Environmental Justice Team is doing – that sustains my hope. Your hope too, I hope!
I also have great hope for the sustainability of UUCCH. We are not content to stay the same. In just the last couple of years, UUCCH has supported many new teams and affiliation groups. The Environmental Justice Team, of course. The Pride Support Alliance. The Sexton Team. The Safety Team. There’s interest in creating an earth-centered spirituality group. Each of these teams and so many others I haven’t mentioned are experiencing the power of groups. HINT: Simultaneously they’re doing their part in responding to the needs of current and emerging generations.
This is an exciting and crucial time for UUCCH. We are about to embark in a new ministry. A ministry I’m confident will be vital to UUCCH. And not just to our sustainability…to our growth.
We will nourish the hunger of future generations for community and spiritual connection in our ever-changing world. Thank you for putting love at the center. Thank all of you for proving that there is so much reason for hope.