Speaker: Rev. Margret A. O'Neall

Passing the Baton

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A ministerial transition is a joyful adventure, as the minister who has served with dedication and love makes way for a colleague who brings a fresh perspective, different skills and new energy into this leadership role. How will we pass the baton in this UUCCH ministerial transition?

The Winds of March

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The transition from winter into spring can be unsettling in its variability, as balmy breezes alternate with blustering winds, clearing the way for new growth to emerge. What wisdom can the seasons of the earth offer to guide us through the the seasons of our lives?

Becoming Anti-Oppressive

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How are Unitarian Universalists changing our perspectives, our programs and our promises, to become a faith that works effectively to “accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions?” How are our learning, our actions, and the values in the proposed Article 2 part of that becoming?

Bringing the Light

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We gather as a community of all ages to marking the earth’s journey into darkness and the return into sunlight and growth. The Winter Solstice is a time to deepen in our intentions, preparing to kindle and rise again, holding the flame of hope, the warmth of love and celebrating the light within us all.

The Deep Work of Waiting

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The Christian season of Advent and the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah coincide with Earth’s descent into darkness and the rebirth of light at the Winter Solstice. Let us explore this time of waiting, of deepening, of preparing for what is new to be born within us and into the world.