Topic: Metamorphosis

The Transformative Power of Fasting

Service Leader:  Sky Waterpeace We explore the powerful physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of fasting, and learn how they may be realized through any of several easy-to-follow fasting methods. Link to UUCCH YouTube Channel for recorded videos. Link to Audio Archives.

Rebuilding the Center

Service Leader: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall This service begins a month-long exploration of racial justice, including discussions of the historical global structures of white supremacy and colonialism, and our UU faith commitment to shift our norms to center those on the margins.  How are we called to change ourselves, to restore justice, to recreate the … Continue reading Rebuilding the Center

What About All Those Words?

Service Leader: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall Come to the Saturday class, and then the Sunday service, in this full-weekend exploration of the words that nourish us, the words that challenge us, and let us learn together how we may own our religious language in the spirit of our open, challenging, non-creedal faith. Link to UUCCH … Continue reading What About All Those Words?

The Big Bang

Service Leader: Rev. Margret A. O’Neall One of our youngers this fall asked why, as UUs, we do not have a holiday for the birthday of the Universe … so to start the year off right, let’s have a birthday party to celebrate the Big Bang!  Yes, of course, there will be cake! Link to … Continue reading The Big Bang