Mission Statement – Who we are

We are Unitarian-Universalists confronting inequality, oppression, violence and pollution.

Vision Statement – What we want to achieve 

The Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill is engaged in a variety of progressive programs as part of its commitment to social responsibility and is bringing about positive social change in the region, church community and in the membership.


Unitarian Universalist are called to be actively engaged in the world and to work for social justice. Our work is grounded in our seven principles that draw on many spiritual traditions and require us to put our faith into action. We covenant to “dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love and to help one another.” Our congregation’s vision statement asks us to “learn, love and serve.” At the congregation’s 2014 annual meeting, we adopted our Social Responsibility Resolution.


The Social Responsibility Steering Committee comprises individuals charged by the Board of Trustees with providing opportunities for members and friends of the congregation to participate in social responsibility:

·         Awareness projects, which change individual hearts and minds,

·         Advocacy projects, which change public policy,

·         Service projects, which change individual lives, and

·         Donation projects, which financially support social change.

It does this through supporting education, witness/testimony, legislation and community organization, as part of UUCCH’s covenant to social responsibility. The Steering Committee manages, coordinates and provides resources to issue groups which undertake various social responsibility awareness, advocacy, service and donation projects.