Important Feedback Needed – Commons Shared Space Survey
The UUCCH Space Use policies developed by a congregational task force and approved by the Board in August 2018 make the Arts and Aesthetics Committee (A&A) responsible for managing the Hallway, Main Area and Event Board in the Commons.
In keeping with that responsibility, and anticipating both the refurbishing and the need to define new patterns of use following construction and the re-sizing of the Commons, A&A has designed a survey to receive input from the congregation about how the Commons area might be designed, decorated and used.
The survey will be conducted from November 10 – December 10. After that, responses will be analyzed and written up, and then the results will be shared with the Renovators and Board, and will be part of the input for the stakeholder planning process that will define new Commons practices going forward.
Please complete the survey here: