Rev. Dr. Margret A. O’Neall


Rev. Dr. Margret A. O’Neall (she/her) serves UUCCH as our Developmental Minister with a five year contract from August 2019 through July 2024.  She is an Accredited Interim Minister serving UU churches in times of transition and development.   Margret holds academic degrees in Community Development and Sociology, and earned her Master of Divinity from Meadville-Lombard Theological School.  She entered intentional interim ministry following a 35-year career working in the public and private sectors, and her call to ministry follows her passion for the transformational process that individuals and organizations may engage with intention in times of change.

Contact Rev. Margret at

Melanie Jones

Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement

Melanie Jones (she/her) began her journey as the Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement in October 2023. She has fourteen years of experience working in religious education and non-profit programming for children and youth. She is working towards a Master of Social Work at Rutgers University. 

Melanie is a native of South Jersey and lives in Gloucester County. She loves a good coffee shop, nature walks, and trivia games. She loves to explore the mind and spirit and lives to be a part of a more compassionate and just world.

Natasha Steinmacher

Director of Music Ministry

Natasha Steinmacher (she/her) is the Director of Music Ministry at UUCCH where she has served the music ministry for 20 years. She completed UUA Music Leadership Certification in 2020 and serves the wider UU denomination as Music Coordinator for the 2023 General Assembly and Program Director for Member Engagement for the Association of Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries (AUUMM). In addition to her work as a UU musician, she teaches piano, voice, and ukulele and is a preschool music teacher. Natasha finds great joy in bringing people together in beloved community through the power of music.

Contact Natasha at

Julie Rigano

Church Administrator

Julie Rigano (she&they) is a lifelong UU with years of church experience at multiple congregations, including the Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady, First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia, and currently as the Director of Family Ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing. They also serve as the Communications Chair for the national Faith Development Week conference at Star Island, NH. Julie lives in Philadelphia with her wonderful roommate and cat. She also makes a great marinara sauce, which isn’t really relevant, but they wanted to brag about it anyway. This bio also serves as a great example of how to use both of Julie’s pronouns to represent her fully. 

Contact Julie at

Shawna Dedonado

Nursery Head Staff

Shawna Dedonado (she/her) will be working as the head staff in the nursery with the little ones. She has been a member of the church since she was 15 and worked at the nursery previously as a volunteer then a employee. She then left to find a new path and found her way back to UUCCH. She looks forward to seeing the little ones grow and play while working with them. She loves to play with my kitties, read books, play video games and hang with my family and friends during her spare time.