Live Virtual Auction Sat June 5, 6-8

Who’s your hero? Who couldn’t you have done without during this challenging time? Who did you see through different eyes when essential became your doctor and your grocery stocker?

It’s Virtual Auction Time!!

Silent Auction: UUCCH Virtual Silent Auction is underway through Sunday June 6 at 6pm

Live” Virtual Auction: Saturday June 5, 6-8pm

The virtual online silent auction is underway now, and will end on Sunday June 6th at 6 PM.    If your household is set up in our ICON system, then you have been pre-registered to participate, and you have received an email from with a link for bidding.  If you have not received an email from and would like to participate in our online virtual silent auction, please send an email to   Ken will register you, and will send you a link for bidding.   Note that we did not pre-register everyone who has an email address in our Newsgram since many households have two such email addresses.

Here is a link to the auction catalog:  UUCCH Auction Catalog 2021    The catalog contains items for both the live and silent auctions.

Here is a link with detailed instruction on how to participate in the silent auction:   2021 UUCCH Virtual Online Silent Auction Instructions

Note that the auction is a very “safe” place to browse and bid from a financial perspective.  You do not enter any credit card information upfront.   You do not make any payment until after you receive and agree to a statement of purchases.   The statements will be sent out when the virtual auction closes on Sunday, June 6th.

One of the benefits of our annual auction is the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company at auction events.   We have a terrific lineup of events this year.   You can find full details in the catalog (link above) and in the online bidding website.


You are invited to attend the UUCCH virtual live auction on Zoom on Saturday June 5th from 6 PM to 8 PM.    Attending the virtual live auction will be just like attending a church service.   Look for a Zoom link in the Friday update.   The theme of the live event is “Who is your Hero”.   We are celebrating all the heroes who kept us going through this pandemic.   You are invited to attend the zoom event dressed up as your hero.  Who is your hero?   We look forward to seeing you at the Zoom live event this Saturday!