Transylvania Connection
Transylvanian Connection
In 1992, we made a commitment to a fellow Unitarian church in Székelyderzs, in the Transylvania section of Romania (where Unitarianism began). This partnership was stimulated by a UUA program with the purpose of aiding them in recovering from decades of persecution. The people here live in a traditional farming village and attend the ancient fortress church built in the 1300’s, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Our program’s originator, our late Minister Emeritus Rev. Rudy Nemser D.D. first visited Székelyderzs in 1991. We have sent groups many years since, except for a hiatus from 2002 to 2006, and have had visits from our Transylvanian friends. Our church signed a covenant with their congregation to seal our partnership. In the spring of 2010, we hosted the pastor of our partner church, Sandor, and his wife, Kata, who is the pastor of a neighboring church.Yearly fundraisers, such as our winter Hungarian dinner help with our travels and supports our Partner church’s missions.
In 2012, our minister, Manish Mishra-Marzetti and nine others visited our brothers and sisters in Szekelyderzs for a spititual pilgrimage. We were invited to meetings with the church board, the women’s choir, and the senior women’s group. We participated in the worship service and, along with several members of our choir, performed at their service. This past July, we visited the village again taking 2 of our youth & a few adults the village where we stayed with families & explored the local areas & again took part in the Sunday Worship.
The goal of this committee is to increase awareness and interest in our partnership. We encourage and support travel there.
If you would like more information contact Sue Camlin