Topic: community

Rise Up, Venture Forth

As Passover commemorates the journey into freedom, and Easter celebrates the triumph of new life emerging, we enter a time of new beginnings, returning from isolation into community, a time to re-create who we are in hope and possibility.

To Dwell Together in Peace

Unitarian Universalists are united in our faith by covenant. an intentional agreement for how we create community in peace and mutual respect. We build positive relationship by listening and understanding each other. The listening circles during March will identify the shared values that form the basis for covenantal relationship in this church, part of a covenant renewal process that will unfold during the coming months. All are welcome and encouraged to participate!

Our Dreams

Each of us has dreams of our own; some we keep private, and others we share with family and close friends, And then there are the dreams we hold in common with others, in community. In fact, one of the defining elements of a deeply connected community is the dreams we share, supporting each other in our individual dreams, and working for the larger dreams we can only achieve together.

Wilderness Journey

The Passover journey recounts the history of a people seeking freedom from slavery, embarking on a transformative journey through the wilderness to arrive in a “promised land” to create a new way of being in community. So also may we seek to journey through the unknown to create beloved community that serves our mission in the world.


As this new year unfolds, we see signs of hope that we may emerge from a time of challenge and loss for ourselves, for our families, our community, our society and the world. What are the skills, the gifts, the commitments that can help us gain deeper understanding and reconciliation in our interdependent world?

We Begin Again in Love

Again and again, we rise, we stumble, we fall short of our best selves and we rise again. Honoring ancient sacred traditions of faith, we seek and create new beginnings for ourselves, for our communities, sometimes for entire societies. Living in the world is all about relationship, and so we acknowledge the reality of our human nature, seeking to begin and begin again in love.

Explore, Grow, Engage!

There is no final frontier! We keep growing and learning as long as we choose to engage. Join us as we lift off our Lifespan Faith Engagement Program for the year. In community, we boldly go where some have gone before, though what we learn and how we learn may be the new frontier. In the words of Captain Picard, “ENGAGE!”

Water Communion

Our fall tradition of ingathering includes a sharing of the waters, symbolic of all our journeys over the summer. In these times of connecting across distance, our metaphorical journeys challenge and engage us. All are invited to prepare a tiny water ceremony at home, with water from here or away, as we consider the flow of love that uplifts and encourages our lives.