Staff Blogs: Margret’s Musings, March 2021


What is emerging within and among us?

Our unifying theme for March here at UUCCH is Emergence.  In this month we celebrate emergence of all varieties, from the personal to the universal, the local to the global.  For International Women’s Day we celebrate women rising to challenge the societal systems that have hindered the full expression of their humanity; for the Equinox we explore the balance of sun and shadow, leading and engaging to bring our full selves to our work in the world.  Our UUCCH staff share their “words for the year” in our individual and collective journeys into emerging possibility, and for Passover we explore the passage through the wilderness in our transformative development as a community.

I was reminded recently that bulbs and seeds must go through a period of waiting in the cold and dark in order to emerge into the warmth of spring with all their beauty – that is why we plant the spring bulbs in the fall.  Even so, we humans need a time of patient waiting, learning and developing, allowing our new roots to deepen and new outward expressions to develop before we emerge into a new and even more beautiful way of being.

There is a lot happening around the church during this March month of emergence, but perhaps the one I am most excited about is the workshop on Conflict Transformation on Saturday, March 27, in which we have the opportunity to cultivate a common framework, learn a common language, to transform our differences into deeper relationship as we explore shared commitments and forge our diversity into strength.

Together we create our  pathway into the future, journeying through unknown territory to emerge into something new, sharing who we are and becoming who we might be.  In this time of possibility, I wish for us all the support of loving community, as we engage the adventure of emergence.


-Rev. Margret