Speaker: Rev. Margret A. O'Neall


The Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur mark a period of renewal, marked by repentance and atonement, the beginning of a new year. Let us consider how processes of covenant, relationship and renewal mark the patterns of our lives.


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In a world filled with challenge and change, it can be difficult to remain grounded in our authentic voice, our authentic presence in the world. Why is authenticity important, and how can we create a community in which each person’s authentic presence and voice are honored, as we share all our varied perspectives and experiences?

Don’t Be Afraid of Some Change!

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Change is the only constant, as they say, and we live in a constantly transforming universe. How do we absorb the loss of leaving our old reality behind as a new one emerges? How do we navigate our way across the mysterious time and space between the old and the new? And how do we welcome new realities, adjusting in our own transformation as we go? Let us explore these timeless questions together.

The Principles that Guide Us

Article II is the section of the UUA bylaws that serves as the home of our Principles and Sources, the UUA’s Purposes, our Inclusion clause, and Freedom of Belief Statement. As a living faith, the UUA regularly revisits the documents that guide us to be sure they match our values and commitments. We will join in our Association’s reflection, considering what, if any changes to Article II might lead us boldly into the future.

The Parent and Teacher Within and Among: A Lifespan Faith Engagement Service

What we’ve gone through this past two years – what we are continuing to go through – has caused all of us to adjust. In order to keep growing, we have certainly called on the parents and teachers among us for support. But beyond that we have had to reach into ourselves, to bring the parent and teacher within us forward. Come celebrate our Lifespan Faith Engagement program, parents and teachers, and honor the transformation that can come from within.

Rise Up, Venture Forth

As Passover commemorates the journey into freedom, and Easter celebrates the triumph of new life emerging, we enter a time of new beginnings, returning from isolation into community, a time to re-create who we are in hope and possibility.

Values that Unite Us

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Our congregational covenant – our agreement for how we will live together in community – is founded on the values we share, and on our commitment to bring our values into everything we do together. Our shared values help us find the commonality in our diversity, and to build bridges between our divisions. Today we explore the values that were identified in the Listening Circles in March, and prepare for a new round of Circles to explore how we live into those values to create a vibrant covenantal church community.

Balanced Leadership

The art of leadership calls us into balance — the balance of heart and mind, of being and doing, of compassion and clarity, and an enduring commitment to the common good. Members of the UUCCH Leadership Development and Nominating Committee share their thoughts on balanced leadership, in ongoing support of UUCCH and its mission in the world.

Turning into Spring

The Spring Equinox is a time of hope rising, as we reach the balance point and make our entry into the season of long daylight and warm temperatures. What does hope mean in our time, and how do we balance on the turning point and shift into something new?