Our Dreams

Each of us has dreams of our own; some we keep private, and others we share with family and close friends, And then there are the dreams we hold in common with others, in community. In fact, one of the defining elements of a deeply connected community is the dreams we share, supporting each other in our individual dreams, and working for the larger dreams we can only achieve together.


Link to the PDF of the sermon.

Here is a recording of the sermon.


Dual-mode Worship from Hillside Lower Level starting October 24
In response to results of the survey about in-person services, the UUCCH worship support team will experiment with shifting our worship location to Hillside Lower Level, using a mix of in-person and virtual elements, allowing up to 15 congregants to attend each Sunday, by reservation. The service will be available on Zoom just as it has been, so it will continue to be accessible online to all.

Attendance in person will be limited to those who are vaccinated, and will require masks over mouth and nose, and maintaining social distance. The hymns will be humming-only, except for small choral ensembles and soloists. There will be no eating or drinking.

In this way, we hope to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the congregation, while continuing to observe safe practices as our area is still at very high risk of Covid infection.

Register to attend the service in person at this link; if you cannot access the registration form, call Mandy at 856-667-3618 extension 3 and she will register you via phone (you may also leave a message).

We will issue a new link to register each week so you will have to register for each service you wish to attend in person.

*Musicians and/or choir that are scheduled to be part of the service do not need to RSVP.


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