We support a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
We provide a space for UUs who are atheist, agnostic, humanist, or non-theist to gather and explore their beliefs together. We value UUCCH as a fully non-creedal church.

Secular UUs meet at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month, in the Horsch Room (or on Zoom during the pandemic).

If you are interested in learning more, you can contact Helen, the Chair, at secular@uucch.org

February Meeting:

During our next meeting we will discuss the concept of love in the Unitarian Universalist context. Each Sunday we affirm that “Love is the spirit of this church.” How is this the same as or different from the concepts of love taught by other faiths?
All are welcome to join us via Zoom at 7 pm on Tuesday, February 2. For more information and the link to the meeting, email us at secular@uucch.org.