Right Relations
The Right Relations Committee offers guidance on healthy relationships, communications, and processes. When necessary, it may assist in resolution of disputes between and among UUCCH members by helping parties understand one another and the congregational covenant and processes by which we work together.
The Committee is composed of up to five church members committed to developing good relationships as the foundation on which we can build a healthy church community. Our congregation’s covenant envisions an environment of trust in which the bonds of our community can be developed and strengthened. In keeping with this covenant, we pledge ourselves to:
– Communicate directly and honestly with each other
– Listen with empathy
– Speak with consideration of the feelings of others
– Respect and honor our differences
– Assume that the actions of others are motivated by good intentions
– Apologize if we offend, forgive if we are offended, and do our best to reconnect in a spirit of love
Covenant of Right Relations
We covenant to build a diverse religious community guided by love, a place where we feel safe as we share and grow.
Believing that living together in peace is a spiritual practice, we aim to listen with empathy and speak with consideration for the feelings of others.
We endeavor to respect our differences and assume the actions of others are motivated by good intentions.
When we hurt one another, we will try to forgive, make amends, and reconnect in a spirit of love. In celebration of the high ideals that unite us, we will do our best to abide by this covenant.
The Right Relations Committee is available as a resource to all members. The Committee meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday.
You may contact us at rightrelations@uucch.org