From Rev. Margret and the Board of Trustees
Dear UUCCH Members and Friends,
This was posted on the UUA Facebook page on Monday July 24 by Rev. Sofia Betancourt, Ph.D.:
“Beloveds, over the weekend one of our member congregations experienced a targeted attack on their building. It happened late at night, and blessedly no one was injured. We hold the members, staff, and community of the Community Unitarian Universalist Church of Plano, TX in our hearts and prayers today, as authorities investigate arson and a possible hate crime.
Acts of terror like this are meant to make us fear for our safety and question the lifesaving ministry and witness our faith inspires. I am proud of who we are and all that we do to promote love and justice in the world. In these days when the most vulnerable among us are subject to everyday acts of physical and legislative violence, let us turn to one another when despair for humanity might otherwise silence us. To our beloveds in Texas and everywhere that simply living as our full selves gets harder every day, we will not give up. We are with you. You always have a home among us.”
Let us take this time to re-commit ourselves to our prophetic faith that searches for truth and meaning and uses the flaming chalice to represent the divine light in every human. Let us be gentle with ourselves and each other as we process this act of violence and how it affects us. And let us keep searching for ways to reach out in love in our own community to build the beloved community of which we dream.