INTRO As youth prepare to leave childhood, UU congregations seek to honor this transition. Coming of Age will encourage youth to define their beliefs and put their faith into action.

PHILOSOPHY Coming of Age is filled with workshops for youth, sessions for parents, social action projects and rites of passage. Participants will explore theology, spirituality and history through discussion, drama, music, writing and art. The group will participate in activities and service projects. Students will also be creating a ‘Zine throughout the year that will be shared with the congregation to share what they have been learning and experiencing throughout the year. 


  • Affirm that participants have faith, help them identify that faith, and equip them to articulate and live their faith effectively. 
  • Engage youth in social action that connects them with their church, community and the greater world.
  • Encourage and empower youth to share their faith and beliefs in a genuine way. 
  • Encourage participants to see themselves as belonging to a Unitarian Universalist community and being an integral member of the community.