Join other UUs at the New Day Rising Workshop (Virtual)

UUA New Day Rising Conference 2/27:  Let’s identify next steps to change white supremacy culture

With the traumatic national events of the past weeks, with the focus on racial justice and equity in our current UUCCH worship services … consider attending a UUA National conference, New Day Rising.

Together, we’ll learn what our fellow congregations are working on around the country to change the white supremacy culture and how we might adapt their programs here at UUCCH.  And taking the positive action to participate in this conference may be one way some of us can overcome feelings engendered by the recent national events.

So join a continent of UUs to explore next steps in creating Beloved UU Communities on February 27, 12-9 pm, ET.

Meeting together, the program will include Worship, Workshops and Caucusing, with plenty of breaks. On your own, you’ll watch compelling video TED-talk-style testimonials from selected congregations around the US as they share their learnings, hopes and next steps in their quest for racial equity.

Interested? Contact Rosemary White or Peg Willard. Rosemary and Peg will coordinate congregational team attendance and group registration.

Cost will be on a sliding scale fee of your choosing: $20/30/40/50. Registration fees are on a sliding scale, based on your assessment of your ability to pay. Individuals who pay at the two highest levels are donating to those in financial need. If you are part of a congregational team of three or more, please pay the lowest fee individually.