The Gun Violence efforts at UUCCH are designed to increase community awareness of the impact of gun violence and to foster participation by individuals in the support of legislation that will reduce gun violence. In these endeavors, UUCCH partners with other organizations, such as the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ and the Coalition for Peace Action.

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February 2021 Update:

Last week, on 2/16/21 the Gun Violence Prevention Group sponsored a forum Suicide: Another Epidemic. If you missed the forum or would like to watch it again, here is the recording. We also compiled a list of resources shared by our speakers which you can read here.

December 2020 Update:

As we celebrate peace and love during this month of holidays, gun violence takes no holiday. We are reminded of this by the anniversary of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, in which 20 children between 6 and 7 years old and 6 staff members were killed. They represent only a small part of the huge number of deaths from gun violence, including gun-related suicide, that take place in our country each year.

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force urges you to commit to doing at least on thing in the coming year to help prevent further injury and death from guns. Educate yourself and others about ways to prevent gun violence. Advocate for stronger gun safety legislation at the federal and state levels. Join a group that supports gun safety measures. Donate money to a foundation that does research in evidence-based gun violence prevention. Whatever you can do to further this cause will help save lives. And that’s the best gift you can give!