Everyday Spiritual Practice
Everyday Spiritual Practice
This group is for those interested in exploring spiritual aspects of Unitarian Universalism. We do this through the book, Everyday Spiritual Practice – a collection of 38 essays by prominent UU ministers and laypeople.
Organized around the basics and five areas of life, the book’s essays describe how spirituality can be present in everyday activities such as traveling to work, talking with our children, saving mementos, working in the garden, and having dinner with our family. At each meeting we focus on one particular essay, which we read aloud during the meeting.
The book’s editor, Rev. Scott Alexander, has written,
“I am struck by how consistently the contributors describe the liberating, soul-satisfying pleasure their spiritual disciplines bring to their lives.”
To accommodate people’s differing schedules, we have two monthly meeting times: (1) the third Thursday evening of each month (7:30-9:00pm), and (2) the third Saturday morning of each month (10:00-11:30am). Usually, we meet in the Horsch Room but are meeting via Zoom during the pandemic.
No preparation is necessary for these meetings – we read the month’s essay aloud before we discuss it and have copies of it available for those who don’t have the book. All are invited, please join us!
Email everydayspiritualpractice@uucch.org for more information.