Caring Committee
Chair: Sylvia Gruner
Contact: Caring@uucch.orgThe Caring Committee’s goal is to provide pastoral care and practical help for the church community. We recognize members and friends who are to be congratulated or who are in need of comfort.
If you or anyone you know has news to share or is in need of help, you may contact the Caring Committee through the church office or by filling in and submitting the concern form found below. All discussions are confidential. We activate church community networks to provide support for members who are ill or otherwise in need. We do not provide in-depth counseling; rather, we offer active listening.
What We Do—
Record Joys & Concerns on Sunday so that we can reach out to church members and friends
Send cards or notes to those who are celebrating joys or experiencing illness or sorrow
Make lay-caring pastoral calls or visits in order to be present for church members who are in need of comfort
Deliver meals to church members who are ill, bereaved, or welcoming a new family member
Provide transportation to church functions or medical appointments
Host Tea & Odysseys, Sunday afternoon events that enable senior members to share their life stories
Coordinate special celebrations, including Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Afternoon, and Second Seder at Passover
How You Can Help—
Volunteer—We rely on volunteers to do the work of caring for the members of UUCCH. Talk with us about volunteer opportunities. We will help you find the right fit for you.
Tell us about caring needs—Let us know about illness, upcoming surgery, or other needs. We maintain confidence and will not share information without permission