Category: Blog

Board of Trustees Recognition July 2023- Music Ministry

Music Ministry speaks to the heart, mind and soul all at one time. That is the nature of music. But creating the final results for that to happen takes work, learning, understanding and dedication. Each form of presentation, be it choral, handbell, ukulele, solo or ensemble, takes effort, individual training, group coordination and time. It … Continue reading Board of Trustees Recognition July 2023- Music Ministry

Board Recognition February, 2023 – Fellowship Groups

These groups could be considered a cornerstone and guidepost to our UU faith because they provide an opportunity for participants to build relationships. These relationships are built through the deep sharing of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By listening respectfully to the reflections and opinions of others without judgement or debate, participants broaden their perspectives, develop … Continue reading Board Recognition February, 2023 – Fellowship Groups

Board of Trustees Recognition, January, 2023 – Sanctuary Group and Humanist UUs

Over the past several years the board has recognized UUCCH committees and individuals. Our website also lists affinity groups, which is defined as a community of interest. This then broadens the church scope to include not only our faith family, but the community at large. The Sanctuary Group is a group whose purpose is to … Continue reading Board of Trustees Recognition, January, 2023 – Sanctuary Group and Humanist UUs

Board of Trustees December 2022 Recognition – Arts and Aesthetics Committee

A & A is a very diverse and fundamentally important committee for several reasons: Aesthetics displays one’s set of principles or worldview as expressed through outward appearance, behavior, or actions. Anywhere from the use of a room or a space, to furniture chosen, iconography, banners, plaques, pamphlets or even down to the color of a … Continue reading Board of Trustees December 2022 Recognition – Arts and Aesthetics Committee