Linda Coolsen, UUCCH Board Member
This church year I joined the Board of Trustees. As a first term member, I’ll admit I didn’t know much about what the Board did and I made some assumptions about it that didn’t turn out to be entirely accurate. I assumed that the Board just sat around solving problems with grounds and property, committees and contractors and finances, all while sharing the occasional pizza. So I thought to myself, that’s for me. I can do that. I accepted a nomination along with other people I thought might be fun and interesting to work with.
Wow, was I wrong! (Not about the fun members and surprisingly not about the pizza either). I was in for a BIG surprise starting with the very first meeting last summer to observe the 2023 board in action. Incredibly eye opening and yes, kind of exciting. Sure, they did talk about certain issues regarding payments and hiring, the upcoming Board Retreat and other immediate issues but primarily they gave us an introduction as to what would be our primary task for the next year. And that was redefining our role as the Board, the role of the Ministry and the role of the Congregation, all based on responsibility, authority and accountability. I was also able to help plan the Retreat which was so productive and illuminating. Our guest speakers all were compelling and engaging.
Creating a policy handbook with the help of the indispensable Policy Work Group began with methodical progress as Jennie Stone described in the Forum a few weeks ago. Utmost in my mind was, and is, keeping the congregation fully engaged with the Board and the PWG as we create the kind of church that will run like a well-oiled machine with policies that will guide us to solutions to problems and situations. And that this policy making would always be a work in progress always addressing the issue of how we function as a church in light of ever changing and often unforeseeable challenges.
I love to do large jigsaw puzzles. I started during the pandemic and haven’t been able to shake the habit since. But I see an analogy there with the Board’s work. Just as the idea of building a puzzle piece by piece into a beautiful work of art is very appealing to me, so is the Board’s work of building a vision, policy by policy, of what a beautiful and evolving church can and will be with the help of the ministry and the congregation.
I love to do large jigsaw puzzles. I started during the pandemic and haven’t been able to shake the habit since. But I see an analogy there with the Board’s work. Just as the idea of building a puzzle piece by piece into a beautiful work of art is very appealing to me, so is the Board’s work of building a vision, policy by policy, of what a beautiful and evolving church can and will be with the help of the ministry and the congregation. I have found that those who serve on the board are among the most truly committed, dedicated and passionate people I have ever worked with. Their one true mission is to make life better for all church members and friends and to forward our standards and principles in ways that enrich and enhance all aspects of our faith for the congregation and for our wider community. I am proud to join them in this quest and invite you to continue to seek out and speak with any board member with your concerns or needs for clarifications. It’s our job to be available to you and one that is always our pleasure to do.