In October 2001, I had the privilege and honor, in the official capacity as new Music Director and member of the staff, of choosing and leading the music for the dedication of the new UUCCH building and grounds. I can remember thinking of the opportunities and adventures that awaited us. And THERE HAVE BEEN MANY. I can also remember feeling good about being a part of this unique and progressive faith tradition with its strong leadership and committed community.
And here I am, 21 years later. I am no longer on the staff, but a regular church member, Music Director Emeritus, and on the board of trustees, and still very active in the music community and other committees. I can FIRMLY tell you……. I would NOT have missed one of those formative years.
I wish I could take you through all the things I have seen this community accomplish in that time span. All working with consistency and focusing on its vision and mission steered by the board, ministry, staff and the good Hearts and Minds…. our UUCCH community.
I …. we…. could not have imagined the daunting situations with which we are faced today…. Renovation …. Developmental Ministry work…..Covid…..
Yet…. here we are…. making progress and rounding curve after curve…..
The renovation work is looking ever more complete and quite striking and purposeful…., with walls, ceilings and surfaces painted and trimmed, full carpeting installed, new spaces and rooms planned and built for various functions, a completed East terrace, light, sound and video connections in place. However, we are awaiting the delivery of those particular and varied pieces of equipment and systems. Delivery dates are still a bit uncertain, due to supply chain issues.
But the TechCruu is moving ahead working on mastering the new sound, camera and lighting systems, all of which are QUITE different from anything we have used before.
As we come ever closer to in- person services, not only do we have to move all the furnishings into the sanctuary (chairs, piano, etc.) …. to be organized and arranged ……but ALSO classrooms have to be put back in shape and re-organized….
In some ways, it seems like a daunting task…. but it has been my experience and observation over those past 21 years, as I alluded to earlier, our church community musters the strength….ALWAYS steps up….and comes through!
So…. given the information we have to work with…. Mid-April is a time frame being projected for getting us Back in Person…. Worship in the sanctuary. But, as I mentioned earlier, we do have to keep in mind the still uncertain equipment delivery dates….AND, we can’t forget COVID….however that is looking more hopeful, given current statistics.
So…. My optimism is rising, and I am getting excited…. much like that feeling I had all those years ago back in 2001. Opportunities await us.
-Ken Ewan, Trustee