Ken Ewan, UUCCH Board Member
As a board member, I am finding this Spring and its upcoming growth activities and potential to be an exciting time. Starting twenty-two years ago as a Staff member (Music Director), then as a member of the congregation, and now as a Board member.
From those positions, I can tell you just what and how many changes have occurred. It was those times and changes that laid the ground work for the tasks we have faced today- the construction of the new sanctuary, the search for a new minister, the growing realization of the abundance of our community, and the new Covenant process by which we live and operate.
Understanding and appreciating our Community abundance and connections is what makes everything possible, the strength and confidence to meet our challenges with all the resources at our disposal. With that in mind, the Board is helping and encouraging the Search Team process for a new minister. It will be exciting to follow the various steps culminating in a final choice in August 2024. Our work with The Policy Work Group has been engaging and helpful in understanding just how our community understands all its processes of operating.
The formation of a Covenant has been an important and new step toward the health and growth of our UUCCH family. We urge you to have another look at our website under the heading of UUCCH Congregational Covenant and see how we promise each other to reflect the values we hold dear. Under this document you will see
- how we welcome each other
- how we communicate with and about each other
- how we seek a peaceful and constructive process when conflicts arise
- how we work together for the common good
The NEW/final covenant has not yet been adopted and is being reviewed by the congregation in preparation to be voted on at the June meeting. So we believe with the professional guidance and experience of our ministry leadership and the varied strengths of our Community abundance, we are moving into some unprecedented times for our UUCCH community.